Answer: Get a magic wand. (just kidding) Here's the scoop about website rankings

Every client wants their website to rank as high as possible as quickly as possible.
We do, too!
Did you know website rankings change continuously? You may rank #1 right now and 10 minutes from now rank #4. So many factors affect your website ranking: actual search phrases, competition, length of time it’s been online, marketing efforts to drive traffic to your site, and many other variables.
Think about it: It’s logical that website rankings continuously vary. If a business could fix it so its website always ranked #1 then there would be no way for any other business to ever rank (yours included).
What factors affect my website ranking?
We follow Google Best Practices for website search engine optimization (SEO) to ensure your website ranks its best and to protect its integrity. There is no “one size fits all” timeline for website rankings on search engines so we provide custom research and optimization for each client.
Every Flair Communication client’s website ranks its best on Google relative to the client’s industry, degree of competition, and level of marketing services. Our clients’ website rankings prove our methods work.
How long does it take for my website to rank #1?
On average, it can take three to six months or more for a new website to start ranking consistently on random search. Unfortunately, there are no shortcuts. While your website is instantly indexed on Google, it takes time for Google & BING web crawlers to thoroughly catalog all of your website content.
How does SEO work?
Your website ranking is driven by a complex algorithm made up of thousands of data metrics. We use the latest SEO tools to
research and optimize your website with the best long tail keywords (3 to 5 keyword phrases), website structure, meta tags, alt text, optimized images, page titles, page descriptions, backlinks and other tactics to help your website rank its best and as fast as possible.
After approximately 12 months, your website has generated enough data for us to review and analyze your keyword performance, compare those with your competitors’ keywords and update your SEO details on your website and (if applicable) your marketing channels to keep your website and business competitive.
How can I improve my website performance?
These days, most businesses need more than a website to compete online. Marketing services such as Google My Business Optimization, Online Reviews, Social Media Marketing, Google Ads and other SEO services help improve website rankings and visibility.
For best results, it’s important to choose the right marketing services for your business. We’ll be happy to make suggestions you can implement yourself or outsource to a professional.
Want to know more? Speak to one of our marketing experts: SCHEDULE A CALL >>