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How to Avoid a Domain Hijacker

Ever get one of those letters in the mail? Or an email warning you that your domain is going to expire?

Your business website domain is a critical asset.

One of the most common ways website hackers gain control of a website is by the business owner giving it to them.

This is 100% preventable!

These companies try to trick you into giving them your domain business. They charge fees as much as 10x+ higher than what reputable domain companies charge!

How can you protect your domain and your website?

Own Your Domain

Some website companies will buy a domain on your behalf. The problem with that is, unless you're listed as the owner you have no control and access to the domain.

If something happens to that company or the individual who bought it, you may never be able to recover it.

Want to move your website management to another agency? Or prevent another business from using it? You must own the domain.

The domain owner can transfer it to you but that takes time. Your website might be offline for a period of time - not good for business or the SEO you’ve built.

TIP: Contact your webmaster to verify domain ownership.

Flair now requires new clients to buy their own domains. If we purchased your domain for you in the past, don't worry. We always give clients ownership of their domains and they transfer with the website.


Know Who Your Domain Registrar Is

It’s very common for business owners to forget where they purchased their domain. You sign up for a 5-year or 10-year plan and then on renewal who can remember the original domain registrar?

TIP: There is an easy way to find out who your domain registrar is. Go to and type in your domain. The results show the domain company and the individual owner.


Don’t be a Spam Victim

Never click a link on any email without first verifying the return email address. You’re less likely to fall victim to phishing links emailed by spammers if you know your registrar. But that’s not enough. Some fraudulent emails look real.

TIP: Before clicking on any email link, verify the return email address. When in doubt, always call your domain registrar company.


Don’t Ignore Valid Domain Notifications

Domain registrar companies must verify your contact information on a regular basis. A domain registrar will also email you if your credit card is expiring. DON’T IGNORE THESE EMAILS!

You could lose your domain if you fail to verify your domain contact information or pay your renewal. There is usually a short grace period to recover an expired domain. but if your domain expires, it can be up to a year before you can recover it.

TIP: Always verify your domain contact information when requested by your registrar. Keep your payment method current. It’s also a good idea to add a backup email address to ensure you always get your domain notifications.


Need Help?

Contact the Flair Team with any questions about your domain or marketing services.

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